Saturday, February 13, 2010


I just finished my exam last Wednesday. Now, I’m back at home. I will be on holiday for 10 days. I’m planning to spend my holiday with studying. Ok2. You can call me nerd if you wish. I need to study. I think I’ve wasted a lot of time this block. Plus, I’m sitting for a major exam this May and I haven’t prepared a thing. Nevertheless, if you want to ask me out, I’m ready! Just give me a call. I don’t want to spend the whole entire holiday in front of book. I must go out as well.

Back to the topic of the discussion, I would like to take this opportuinity to remind us all on the reason why we are here today. As a Muslim, we should understand the purpose of our creation, and that we are born to be leaders on this earth. Allah says in the Quran

“And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, „Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority.(Al-Baqarah: 30)

As leaders, our responsible is to put Islam at the highest level and carry out its duties and obligations as commanded by Allah SWT. The question that I wish posed to the readers is “Are we doing a good job?”

Last Thursday, there’s an article in the newspaper about stupid individual/s (I prefer to call them stupid because of their act) dumping his/her/their baby. The baby was found at an entrance to a surau with the baby’s body full with ants. This is inhumane! According to the authority, the baby was believed to be born just a few hours before being dumped. Today, there’s a similar story. There are similar stories that had taken place before this. So, I conclude that currently, dumping of babies has become a “trend”. I’m really sad and mad because of this. The babies are innocent. Their parents are stupid, cruel and all the bad things. The enjoyed the free sex and once “terlanjur”, they don’t want the babies and shy of public perception’s towards them so they throw it away like nothing is wrong with it. This is due to the absence of fear towards sinful actions. Entertainments that are made to attract us to not remembering Allah are everywhere. The free mixing among boys and girls. In simple words, there is no fear towards Allah anymore.

I am writing about this because I feel obligated to prevent this from getting worse. I know that my act wont help much but Islam will not be espoused fully except when good is enjoined and evil is forbidden amongst mankind.

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