Saturday, February 13, 2010


I’m old. I celebrated my birthday last Monday. Thank you for all the wishes and gifts. (But keep that coming.. Hehehee)

Oh yeah… Happy birthday to Afif. Fyi, Afif is getting an Iphone. Another reason for me to hate him. But, actually I don’t have to hate him. His closest friend back in school told me that Afif is jealous with me. Afif is jealous that I have a car. He hates that everyone use “Kereta Anas” to address the car that I used in Kuantan. Hahaha. Sah, kita org nie kembar. Asyik cemburu antara satu sama lain. HAHAHAHA


RJ said...

Anas, oh Selamat Ulang tahun ya! XD
baru tahu lah

ANAS!!! said...
