Saturday, January 24, 2009

GAZA (corrected version)

I know that I am a bit late to write about Gaza. Frankly speaking, each and every time I read news about Gaza attack, I was deeply saddened. The attack has taken thousands of innocent lives and causing many people to lose their homes. Furthermore, knowing the fact that the Palestinians are depriving for our help, but we as the citizen of the world and most importantly, as Muslim, failed to protect them made me even sadder. Therefore, I avoided reading news about Gaza. When I don’t read about it, I can’t write about it. Before I write further, I want to express my greatest sympathy to the Palestinians. My prayers are always with you.

My priority in this writing is not about condemning the Israelis because I am sure that there are enough people writing about it. I prefer to discuss about our failure to offer our help. Brothers and sisters. Try looking around us. Can you name me one great Muslim leader? I am sure that the answer is a big NO. This is the main reason on why we fail to offer our help. Our leaders are the blind followers of the West. Like I wrote in my previous writing, we are too dependent on the West. Because of that, we are afraid to act against their wishes.

The second reason is we have no power. Power in this context must not be constricted to army, but must be looked at a wider aspect. I believe that the greatest power is knowledge. Knowledge is the key of success. With knowledge, we can conquer the world. Talking about knowledge, who “owns” all today’s knowledge? Obviously not Muslims. The West owns it. Muslims are lacking behind.

The third reason is there is no unity among Muslims. My Arabic lecturer once said, “Orang Islam bersatu untuk tidak bersatu” (Muslims unite for not uniting). He is definitely right. He said that due to the fact that Muslims around the world are killing each other. Fatah supporters kill Hamas supporters and vice versa. They have the same faith. Can’t they actually unite and work hand in hand to protect their land? History has shown us, how our beloved prophet Muhammad united the tribes of Arabia whom the Romans and Persians considered so wild, warlike and backwards. He molded them into a nation of Super men, who became masters of the world. We must therefore be patient with one another, keep our ego under control, cleanse our heart of all vanity and false pride.

Brothers and sisters. Thomas Elva Edison had brought a huge change to the world by inventing the first light bulb. Before this, people never thought that man can actually fly up in the sky. The Wright brothers had made it possible by inventing the first airplane. Edward Jenner finding’s had led to the eradication of small pox. Newton’s discovery had brightened our knowledge. Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. and his teaching have become guidance and lighten up our life. These are some examples of how an action or actions by one person benefited many. Therefore my friend, if you think that your voice and your actions are small and will not bring any benefits to the Palestinians. You are indeed wrong. You can play a vital role. What role you want to play. It is all up to you. (If i told you, this will be a long posting)

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