Friday, February 27, 2009


Enough say about our country’s politics. Now, I want to comment about campus politics. IIUM had their SRC general election some time after the Chinese New Year break. Although, it had passed long time already, I don’t know why suddenly it came into my mind. So, I decided to write my views about it.

I am a student in Kulliyyah of Medicine. Like any other kulliyyah, Kulliyyah of Medicine was allocated with 2 seats. Both seats saw the contestant won uncontested. Besides Kulliyyah of Medicine, Kulliyah of Pharmacy, Kulliyyah of Dentistry and Kulliyyah of Sciences also saw no contest. I was a bit frustrated that there was no contest in my Kulliyyah. I was eager to play my role and determine our representative in SRC. To be honest, I am not surprise that there was no contest as the number of students in our kulliyyah does not exceed 500. It is a small faculty and we know each other. So, we tend to give way. This action is indeed sincere and is able to avoid any confrontation but from my point of view, it does not contribute in flourishing democracy. For me, it is important to expose us, as young leaders with democracy.

The reason why I said that is that I have a lot of friends who have passed 21 but yet to register as a voter. Therefore they were unable to vote in the last general election thus missed the opportunity to determine today’s political landscape. Most of them failed to understand their role and the important of their vote. For your information, all of them are educated persons. So, imagine those who are poorly educated.

Because of that, I am now considering to run for the 2 seats next year. I don’t want people to give free winning for me as it does not serve my purpose. I am not planning to win. It is a good start for me if I were to become a politician one day. However, the thing that stops me now is my studies. I am afraid that it will affect my studies and furthermore being a leader is a huge responsibility. But one once told me that if you keep on thinking of the risk, you won’t be moving ahead at all. For now, let just time tells.

1 comment:

RJ said...

ohh hey anas
well i seriously touched by your seriousness in this politic thingies
(ignore my language here :P)
ohh anyway, good luck for ur future undertaking
I know how bad you wanna change the scenario
go for it!
and yes, thanks for keeping me updated
I just cant believe that zirahh actually texted me and inform that my warta jam 10 has been updated!
NICE one~ XP