Friday, September 11, 2009


Ramadhan really taught me to be patience. There are 2 events that really test my patience happen this week.

1st event: I broke my favourite sunglass

Last Friday, I went to a petrol station. Usually, when I arrived at the petrol station, I will take off my sunglass and put it on the dashboard. I don’t know why that day I did not put it on the dashboard but instead I put it in my pocket. I think I was tired studying so did not make a wise decision. Hehehe. While I was waiting for the pump attendant to fill up my tank, I lean on my car. Then, you know what happen. I can’t describe my feeling back then. I was really sad and speechless. Ainie was right. I did it all by myself and so can’t put the blame on other people. Ainie was also right that if someone else were to break it, I was going to be really angry.

I just got back from sending the sunglass for fixing. I have to buy new lenses. It cost me RM160! SABAR JE LAH!!

2nd event: Hit and run

It took place on the second day of my exam. I parked my car nicely in front of the Kulliyyah of Pharmacy building. I went to sit for the exam. After the exam, I walked slowly to my car with frustration because I was not satisfied with my answer in the exam. I could have done better. When I reached my car, I found that there was a huge scratch at the back of my car. It is still “fresh”. Someone had hit my car. He or she did not even left a note saying sorry or whatever. Frankly honest, I did not hope for any compensation as my car has a lot of scratch already. I was looking for an honest apology. That is what I want. If he or she were to leave a note saying sorry, I would have forgiven. Ini tidak! Marah nie!!!

To all my friends, if you found any red car with a scratch at the front bumper, please let me know. The driver of the car might be the driver who hit my car. The person that I am looking for! If I were to find the culprit, I want him or her to pay for compensation now.


Hariry Ariffin said...

skang ni musim orang calar kerete. aku kene gak!

ANAS!!! said...

Aie: ko kena kat mana? aku mmg gile bengang!

RJ said...

haha, anas u sound mad indeed
hope u'll find who did that to ur car
ppl with no common sense mmg menyusahkan >,<

M@jiD said...

"I think I was tired studying so did not make a wise decision. Hehehe"
x leh blay ayat ni... haha.. ramadhan kareem tinggal lapan hari lagi :P

Unknown said...

err...anas. ko tau tak moto aku kaler merah? hehehe
mana ada dowh. kaler hitam biru lah.