Tuesday, August 4, 2009


The anti-ISA rally had taken place last Saturday, 1st August 2009. The organizer claimed that managed to gather more than 100,000 people and hence they had achieved their target. As expected, the next day the main stream media reported that only 80,000 people turned up at the rally. As expected as well, the papers on the next day were full with criticism about the rally from leaders and the rakyat as if all Malaysians disapproved the action. Mind you, if all Malaysian were not happy with the move, why did the organizer manage to gather 100K people (or 80K people as what they reported)? Why did the press interview at least one of them?

The Bar Council made a statement stating that the Government must respect the fundamental rights of individuals to assemble peaceably to express their opinions. I have the same voice with them. The rights of individual to express their views should be respected as long as it is in a proper manner. I believe having a rally is indeed a proper manner. It shows the seriousness of the rakyat to see that ISA is abolished. The rally turned ugly because of the police. If the police did not use excessive force or obstruct them, the rally will turn out to be fine. What is the different between this rally with other rallies such as during Maulid Nabi, Maal Hijrah or even Thaipusam?

The government claimed that the street rally is not our culture. They are wrong! They should review back our history. History has shown that our great ancestors also organized such rally. Our ancestors had organized a rally to show their disagreement towards the implementation of Malayan Union and many more. Due to the nationwide rally, the British government at that time realized that the Malay were really against Malayan Union. If our ancestors did not organize such rally, will we be enjoying the freedom like we are having now? You answer it by yourself.

Therefore my friend, let the people march and have their rally. Let them voice their opinions and views. Rakyat yang berani adalah lebih baik daripada rakyat yang menjadi pak turut.


RJ said...

First and foremost,
halo ther :)

It's been awhile I din't get updates from my 'Berita jam 10' :P

anyway about the figures; that many people who joined the rally?
'coz the one I heard from the news was way much lesser!

so which is which now?

ANAS!!! said...

sorry... have not updated Berita Jam 10 for a long time

busy ckit. bkn busy pasal study.. pasal benda2 lain...

i got the figures from Malaysiakini as well as the star. Malaysiakini is the one reported 100K. I trust malaysikini more..

how are u?? lama tak dgr brite. and lama tak visit ur blog

RJ said...

ohh, i see
but 100k is a lot of ppl
but I din deny it could be possible
if it was true, then I'm amazed :)

haha, m good2
btw you guys balek esok right?
free2 je dpt balek kan

ANAS!!! said...


free2 dpt balek... but bkn ke utp mcm tu jgk?? :-P