Monday, December 15, 2008


I have 2 nieces.

Iman Amani binti Azmi. 4 years old. She talks a lot. Really a lot. Kuat merajuk and kuat cemburu. Hehe

My second niece is Amni Nadira Binti Amin. 1 year old. She's now in Amsterdam with her mother. Her mother works there at the Malaysian Embassy. Miss her a lot.

Now, Iman is angry at me. Merajuk. Wanna now why? I always want a nephew. Boleh main tumbuk-tumbuk and power rangers. So, during the last raya haji, while Iman was at her hometown in Singapore, I played with my anak sepupu, Azim. Kira melepaskan geram. I managed to take a picture with Azim.

When Iman got back from Singapore last wednesday, she saw this picture and is really jealous. She claimed that I have a new best friend. Now, it is nearly a week already, Iman is still angry and jealous. Susah jadi favourite uncle. Hehehe. Janganlah merajuk Iman. You are still my no1 best friend!


Unknown said...

Comel-comel anak sedara ngko anas :D

ANAS!!! said...

dah pakcik die handsome...

M@jiD said...

pak cik die "gila"

Aizuddin said...

rasa nak picit2 je pipi niece ko..

ANAS!!! said...

i think wut u r trying to say is..

pak cik dia "handsome gile"

rajanurhazirah said...

ahaha. susah kalo jadik pakcik kegemaran ni... yela tu XD